Annie Turner
Annie works in an unconventional style of portraiture. Her process makes use of bold acrylic colours which produce modern, daring and impactful colour schemes for her depictions. Her work transforms black and white photography, both old and modern into contemporary colour portraits. When she begins her process, the artist has no clear idea as to the final colour combinations and how the many layers will develop. This is where the magic happens! Annie works with a sense of freedom, speed and energy which comes through in her work.
According to the artist, a painting can come together in a matter of a few hours but sometimes the process is much longer until a satisfactory balance of colour value and tone are achieved. Each painting is a very individual and separate journey.
In her words - ‘When a painting of a long gone person is brought to life in colour, it is a fascinating and respectful process for me’.
Although her style of work focuses on Indigenous American portraiture, it also can be used to produce portraits of any individual and can also encompass animals, landscapes or any subject matter.
Annie worked as an Art Teacher for many years and has knowledge of a great many techniques, she therefore enjoys experimenting with many art styles and media. She is an introvert who loves quiet time for reflection and creativity.